Bouncing Ball Assignment

 The idea for this assignment is based around Dungeons and Dragons and the traditional idea of a dark crumbling dungeons. The ball interacts with related objects, the chains of a shackle, an abandoned sword stuck in the ground, and a gelatinous cube, one of the common monsters in D&D that is quite literally an evil slow-moving cube of acid. 

First, I sketched the background, objects, and general path of travel for the ball. Then, I sketched the ball, frame-by-frame for reference. After, I drew the clean line-art of the ball. Once that was finished, I then started manipulating each object that the ball interacts with to represent the realistic movements of impact. After I was satisfied with the whole animation, I went back and added detail to the scene by adding texture and color.

If I had more time, I would definitely add more detail to the scene and refine the sketched animation with cleaner line-art. I also would have spread out focus across the whole canvas, rather than just the right side. I originally had the sword and cube more towards the left side, but had to move them closer to the chain to match the physics and path of the ball that as it hits the chain and loose energy. To accomplish it, I would probably have it interact with a different or additional object.
